Q: Hello, I would like to purchase from DCA Lab as it is quite a good price compared to others. However I want to make sure that it is ok for human consumption. I heard some places use toluene or other chemicals to purify which is of course dangerous to humans and I just want to make sure that even though they are cheaper it can be used for humans and if you guys have experience with this company and others using their products. Thank you, Farzad

A: Hello, Farzad.
DCA is mostly sold as a lab chemical worldwide, because it is currently not registered as a drug or a food supplement. However, this could happen any time soon. It is considered as an alternative cancer treatment in Canada for example. You can read more in this document: http://www.oicc.ca/uploads/dca-health-professional.pdf.

Regarding your question about DCA Lab, we have never asked them if they use toluene or other harmful chemicals. Nevertheless, we do believe that they have developed a safe technology, which enables them to synthesize great quality material. Their products are used in clinical trials with patients, therefore, it‘s safe to assume that they are legitimate.

We know dozens of people who are taking their Sodium dichloroacetate and we have never heard that anyone experienced any complaints related to harmful chemicals in their products.

Please also check this analysis we have made about the available DCA products to get a better idea on the global situation: https://www.dcaguide.org/dca-quality-analysis.
In the analysis, look at the anion and gas chromatography tests. They confirm that no toluene has been detected in DCA Lab products. Every DCA seller should provide a certificate of analysis, which proves the purity of their product. DCA Lab is one of suppliers that provide CoA‘s with their production.
Sigma-Aldrich and Tocris also produce exceptional quality Sodium dichloroacetate. Please consider them also. Avoid buying Sodium dichloroacetate that could have large quantities of impurities as these could be toxic if used for a longer period of time.

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